Embark on an exhilarating adventure with our Archery Dodgeball Kit! Perfect for team events, parties, family reunions, or just a fun day out. Our comprehensive kit, priced at $100 per day, includes 10 bows, 30 arrows, 10 protective masks, and 10 arm guards - everything you need for a thrilling experience.
Booking is easy - simply call or text Lane Palmer at 385-419-1749 with a 24-hour notice, and we'll have your kit ready for action. As part of our commitment to safety it is the users responsibility, to wear the proper equipment while playing, and renters are required to acknowledge their responsibility for any injuries that may occur and agree to take care of the equipment.
Now, gear up for an unforgettable archery dodgeball day – perfect for building teamwork, enjoying a unique sport, or just having a blast with friends and family!
Call or text: 385-419-1749
Achery Dodgball Waiver (pdf)